Huang Junjie won the honorable title of Yidu moral model

TIME: 2020-08-21 VIEWS:287

On August 20, the 4th Yidu Moral Model Ceremony Ceremony of "Don't Forget the Original Heart, Derun Yidu" was held in Yidu Theater. The company's chairman Huang Junjie was awarded the 4th Yidu Moral Model.

In recent years, with the strong support and help of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, Tianyi Machinery has achieved rapid development. At the same time, Tianyi Machinery has also actively repaid the society and participated in various public welfare undertakings. As the so-called "do not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, civilization first, virtue run Yidu". Huang Junjie, the chairman of the company, was awarded the fourth moral model of Yidu City. To win this honor is not only a kind of affirmation, but also a kind of spur; it not only points out the direction of efforts, but also strengthens the pace of progress. Tianyi Machinery will make persistent efforts to contribute its own strength to help the construction of spiritual civilization in a civilized city to a higher level.