Tan Jianguo visited Tianyi Machinery for research

TIME: 2020-06-29 VIEWS:300

On the morning of June 28, on the eve of July 1st, Tan Jianguo, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went to Hubei Tianyi Machinery Co., Ltd. to visit the front-line party members and masses, and visited and investigated the party building work of non-public enterprises. The vanguard and exemplary role of party members, strengthening the construction of "magnet branches", and contributing to the "double victory" of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development.

Zou Qingsong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Organization Department, and Hu Weidong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Office of the Municipal Party Committee, accompanied the investigation.

Huang Junjie, secretary of the company's party branch and chairman of the board, introduced that Tianyi Machinery, as the second company in Yidu listed on the New Third Board, gives full play to the demonstration and leading role of party building work on enterprise development, strengthens team building, strengthens education and guidance, and gives full play to the role of party members. Promote the stable development of enterprises.

After the outbreak, Chen Congji, the first secretary of the company, coordinated with various parties in accordance with the arrangements of the municipal non-public committee, and pushed the company to resume work and production as soon as possible while doing a good job in prevention and control. At the same time, he also asked all party members to actively cooperate with the production and operation team of the enterprise at the party member meeting held by the party branch, actively respond to market changes, strengthen network marketing efforts, and actively connect with various bidding platforms. In September, the goals and tasks for the whole year can basically be achieved. At present, the delivery of 31.15 million yuan has been completed, a year-on-year increase of 9.3%, basically eliminating the adverse impact of the epidemic.

In order to solidly promote the party building work of the enterprise, since the beginning of this year, the party branch of Tianyi Machinery has taken the creation of a "magnet branch" as the starting point to carry out the activities of "four brights" (brightness of identity, brightening commitment, brightening responsibilities, brightening performance) of party members, and promoting the work of party building "" "Four integrations" (integration of party building work with corporate innovation, integration with cultural construction, integration with cultivating craftsman spirit, and integration with creating a harmonious enterprise), to ensure the four "firsts" (encouraging party members to do selfless dedication and lead employees Walk in the front, business technology in the front, danger and danger in the front).

Tan Jianguo and his party went deep into the production line of the workshop, extended festive greetings and sincere wishes to the party members and workers of the company, fully affirmed the company's strengthening of "magnet branch" construction, and gave full play to the leading role of party building demonstrations, hoping to further promote the standardization and standardization of party building. Build a demonstration brand of party building for non-public enterprises in Yidu.

Tan Jianguo said that the epidemic has had a great impact on the production and operation of enterprises, and grass-roots party organizations and party members must charge forward, face difficulties, work hard, and do everything possible to recover the losses caused by the epidemic. Contribute to the "double victory" of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development.