Checking difficulties and sending policies, Tianyi welcomes

TIME: 2020-04-01 VIEWS:323

On March 31, Hu Wenyuan, Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, and Liu Chuanjin, Director of the Party Liaison Office of the Municipal Party Committee came to our Companies, understand the situation of resumption of work and production, send policies to the door, and help enterprises to innovate and develop.

Hu Wenyuan, Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, and Liu Chuanjin, Director of the Party Liaison Office of the Municipal Party Committee, accompanied by the company's chairman Huang Junjie and the first secretary of the Party branch Chen Congji, went deep into the production workshop to understand the company's current epidemic prevention and control work and the difficulties existing during the resumption of work and production. Provide timely publicity and service on relevant policies regarding the demands of enterprises.